terça-feira, 11 de junho de 2013

Simple Present

1. How often ______________ to the movie?
a) Do you go                      b) Does you go                                c) Go you

2. She __________________ TV.
a) watch                                             b) doesn´t watches        c) doesn´t watch

3. My cousins ______________ in Brazil.
a) live                                   b) doesn´t lives                                               c) lives 

4. _____________ you __________ Orange juice.
a) does – drinks                               b) do – drinks                                   c) do – drink

5. She ___________ beautiful black hair.
a) haves                                              b) has                                   c) have

6. ______________________ to the shops.
a) They walks                    b) She walk                                       c) He walks

7. He __________ to the library after school.
a) goes                                b) does go                                         c) go

8. Her friend _______________ English.
a) study                                              b) studys                            c) studies

9. _____________________ to go to the zoo?
a) Do you want                b) Want you                                      c) You wants