sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013

Describing a place

Beautiful Ugly Modern Ancient Pleasant Unpleasant Interesting Boring Huge Small Cheap Expensive Calm Noisy Comfortable Crowded Clean Polluted Cool Warm

5 comentários:

  1. The beach
    is very beautiful, nice, cool, huge. Sometimes a little polluted. Bad taste great beach, despite being piauiense

  2. The University of Caxias do Sul / RG
    where i've been lately, it has a structure of public assets. The place is huge, too big. She has over thirty buildings, also has a zoo, hospital, galleries, coffee shops, cafeterias, shops arts, libraries, bookstores, cinema and so on. The place is very beautiful, because it has many trees of various types, giving a European air. Is a pretty cool place, but very cozy

  3. The Institute Ricardo Brennand Recife-Pe
    Is a castle beautiful used as museum, have work of art. The place is very large and nice. I lovely the walk, your cheap entry and to enrich our culture. http://www.institutoricardobrennand.org.br/index2.html

  4. The Beach Native-Porto Seguro / BA
    It is a lovely place, very quiet, many tourists, with typical food. Besides the Indians so that the name space, selling crafts bone, buffalo horn and other objects. An unforgettable experience to meet a charming natural environment however.

  5. The city São Cristóvão-SE is one of the main historic towns of Brazil, registered by the Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage. Presents arquiteura colonial as Museu History Sergipe parts and photos of Lampião and Maria Bonita, the Museo de Arte Sacra, the church Nossa Senhora da Vitoria, San Francisco Church and Convent, the Plaza San Francisco.
